I’ve been searching for a way to interactively display some geospatial data. After trying out a few things I found {leaflet} - so easy and beautiful! I started out reading this excellent primer, then got to work with specific examples.
It took me a few times to get this right - the interface of the USGS website is a rabbit hole of buttons and options for data retrieval. It’s not so hard to get the data you’re interested in, but pay close attention because it’s easy to do the wrong thing.
Geotracker is a public database that is used to store environmental data from regulated sites in California. I’m going to download some data of a contaminated site and clean it up to try to derive some insights about the site.
In my IoT class last year with Jay Ham we used a website called Dark Sky to get current weather conditions. I’ve been thinking about this recently, since I would like to see if I can match up weather conditions to the changes in the depth to water of wells at a site.
If you’re not familiar with Tidy Tuesday, it is a weekly project hosted online by the R for data science community. Every Tuesday a new dataset is released and people are encouraged to explore, analyse, and visualize it in interesting ways.
R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see http://rmarkdown.